Who doesn't love vegetable Puffs? stop! If you don't you better read this post! Once you've tasted these babies you'll love it.
It reminds me of college days where Puffs were a big hit in the cafeteria.
It is such asimple snack to put together and will take you down the memory lane!
Here is what you need ( makes 9 puffs)
Pepperidge farm puff pastry sheets 1 box.
1/2 potato
1/2 onion
Frozen peas 1/2 cup
Frozen corn 1/2 cup
coriander powder 1 tsp
chaat masala 1 tsp
Cilantro as much as you want.
This is what i had at home:))
There are 2 sheets inside a box of PPF puff pastry sheet. Take 1 sheet out and let it thaw for about 40 mts on the counter.
In mean time, dice potatoes and slice onions. heat oil ina pan and add the onions. Ssaute till they are soft and a slightly carmalized. Add the potaoes, corn, peas, salt all the masala and saute. cover and reduce the heat. cook till the potaoes are soft and the peas are cooked. Garnish with cilantro.
Youcould add grated carrots, bell pepper, paneer etc if you have them in hand.
Pre heat oven to 400 F. Line a baking sheet with foil and spray with it oil.
Take the thawed pastry sheet on toa cutting board. You can open it inot a rectange. cut it inot 9 smallrectangles.
Add the filling ( approx 1 tbsp) in each of he rectangle. fold the edges over like folding a blanket. seal the edges with a lit bit of water.
Pop it inthe oven and bake for 15mts or until golden and flaky.
Let it cool for 10 -15 mts and then... you know what to do.